Welcome to St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
1200 Arnold St. P.O. Box 327
Three Rivers, MI 49093

Confirmation - Holy Communion

The LCMS believes Scripture teaches the Lord's Supper is a precious gift of God in which Christ gives us His true body and blood (in a miraculous way), together with the bread and wine, for the forgiveness of our sins and the strengthening of our faith.
Because the Bible teaches that this Sacrament may also be spiritually harmful if misused, and that participation in the Lord's Supper is an act of confession of faith, the LCMS ordinarily communes only those who have been instructed in the teachings of our church and who have confessed their faith in these teachings. This is the Rite of Confirmation
That being said if you agree with the following statement then you are welcome to participate in the Sacrement with us.
I am a baptized Christian. I believe that I am a sinner in need of the Forgiveness that Christ freely offers. I believe that Holy Communion, the very body and blood of the risen Christ are actually present in, with, and under the bread and wine. I believe the proper participation in Holy Communion gives me through Christ, forgiveness of sins, and new spiritual life. My faith in Jesus gives me eternal salvation.
I sincerely seek to repent of my sins, live in service to my Lord, and await his return!
Help for preparing oneself for Holy Communion can be found in the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) pp. 326 & 327. Confession and the Sacrament of the Altar.