Welcome to St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
1200 Arnold St. P.O. Box 327
Three Rivers, MI 49093
What We Believe
Reach out to all.
Embrace His gifts.
Announce His Coming.
Commit to Christian Living.
Honor His Word.
We are members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is His message of salvation for all people. The Old Testament points to the coming Messiah. The New Testament reveals the Messiah who came.
There is only one true living God. The One God has revealed Himself in Three Separate and Distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is the Creator of all things in the universe both visible and invisible.
The people of St. Peters are called by the Holy Spirit, filled with a living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and by God's grace and mercy living out the joy of hope which God has given to them in the forgiven life. You may ask who is this Jesus? Click here to find out more. We depend on God's Word and Sacraments for forgiveness, strength, and hope; on Christian fellowship for encouragement in living out our new life; and we share willingly in a mission of proclaiming God's Word, grace, and mercy to one another and the world.
Click here to learn more about what Missouri Synod Lutherans believe.